
Showing posts from May, 2012

How is prospective memory used to complete instrumental activities of daily living? Examining the topic through focus groups with older adults: Pilot results.

Fink, N., Goodwin, M., Jewell, N. Kohn, S., Price, M. & Pak, R. (2012). How is prospective memory used to complete instrumental activities of daily living? Examining the topic through focus groups with older adults: Pilot results. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting. 56(1), 2137-2141. Boston, MA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Decision support aids with anthropomorphic characteristics influence trust and performance in younger and older adults.

Pak, R., Fink, N., Price, M., Bass, B., & Sturre, L. (2012). Decision support aids with anthropomorphic characteristics influence trust and performance in younger and older adults.  Ergonomics, 55 (9 ),  1059-1072