
Showing posts from August, 2020

5 ways to get a participant to talk to you

  5 ways to get a participant to talk to you Imagine a participant comes into your study room. She is not sure what to expect during her session; she’s not really sure what she’s supposed to do. Maybe she’s nervous, maybe she’s bored, maybe she’s got 10,000 things to do today and has a lot on her mind. Maybe she felt things did not go so well in the session, and after many questions from the Moderator about how she interacted with the device she is starting to feel a little “tested” or judged.  Each participant that comes into our studies is a representative user, and therefore arguably has a unique set of skills, knowledge, and expectations that can result in valuable learnings about the product we are testing. So when a shy teenager or a defensive healthcare professional or just your everyday busy person comes into the study room, how do we get them to talk to us? How do we convince someone to give us their honest feedback and discuss their experience with the product? This can be on

How Medical Device Instructions for Use Engage Users

How Medical Device Instructions for Use Engage Users Naomi Cherne, Rebecca Moses, Sarah M. Piperato, and Carmen Cheung Core is excited to announce we have a new article published on BI&T ! Naomi Cherne, Rebecca Moses, Sarah M. Piperato, and Carmen Cheung authored a study on how different users engage with medical device IFUs. Be sure to check it out online or download the PDF .