
Showing posts from April, 2021

Welcome to Core!

  Welcome to Core!  Core welcomes our newest team members Eugene Yoon and Valerie Beck. Eugene enjoying views at Joshua Tree National Park & Valerie relaxing after a hiking trip featuring her exhausted dog  What drew you to human factors and what drew you to Core?   Eugene: I have always been interested in human behavior and how people respond to and interact with things. This combined with my desire to help people led me to Core, where I can investigate and improve tools that people might use every day.    Valerie: I started working in the field of human factors because I wanted to better understand how people interact with objects and the environment in real-world situations, not just how they perform simplified tasks related to attention and memory on a computer in a laboratory. Fundamentally, I am interested in how people make sense of and interact with an increasingly complex world through applications, objects, and the environment. A hugely important component of this