Welcome to Core, Sydney!

 Welcome to Core, Sydney!

Core is excited to add Sydney Eelman as a new recruiting team member. Keep reading to get to know Sydney a little bit better!

What is one fun fact about yourself?

My dream is to have a lot of land with a giant pack of rescue dogs and miscellaneous animals.

What is your educational background and how does it relate to your everyday job at Core?

I'm currently obtaining a bachelor's degree in biology at Millersville University to eventually become a pharmacist. Seeing all of the new medical devices being tested is awesome, and I enjoy screening participants to hear about their medical experiences and what would make their lives easier. Professionally, I was a bartender and a dealer at a casino for a long time. I can deal poker, blackjack, and craps which is completely irrelevant to Core, but it has definitely helped me with the customer service aspect of this job.

What do you enjoy doing most outside of work?

I have two dogs that I spend an unhealthy amount of time with & I also coach a local high school softball team in the Spring.

What is the worst (or best) design you have ever seen and why? 

I watch a LOT of Shark Tank, so this was an easy one: The No Fly Cone is the worst invention ever. If you've never seen it before, or have a fly problem, I highly suggest looking it up.